
Final Mojang Jajaka Jawa Barat

2:31:00 PM

November, 27th 2012

I went to Bandung with my Dad and some of his staff to watch the final night of Mojang Jajaka Jawa Barat. It took place at Sabuga and good news ! We went there on time. hahahaha Its a rare thing you know :p

The event started with some dance performance. Such a joy to watch. Well, I saw some familiar face there, Kristiana and Husni, the representative from Kabupaten Sukabumi and Lintang, she my junior in Taekwondo and apparently she is the representative from Kotamadya Sukabumi. Wooooow :O

The female MC look like Raisa ! 
The Audience
Dimas Diajeng Yogyakarta
Abang None Jakarta

Putra Batik and Mojang Jawa Barat
Puteri Indonesia
Then the MC officially opened this event and introduce some representative from other province and a delegation from Puteri Indonesia who was able to come that night.

Representative from  Kabupaten Sukabumi
Kristiana Yunia Putri
After a perfomance from the former Jajaka Jawa Barat finished, the video about Mojang Jajaka quarantine's activity played. From Physical and discipline exercise from TNI AD, dance class, make up class, runaway class, personality class... i was so......Aaarrgghhhhttt ! Someday...someday..... Amin !

One by one, the representative of every region in Jawa Barat walk to stage. Such a beautiful kebaya, i might say.  And, they were given a question per group. Weird because, for all i know, beauty contest usually asked per person, not per group. 

my Dad and me
Some answer were good, some were great but some....were..not so good. Since i question the valution because they were questioned per group, my dad told me that...the weren't valuated since the first day and before this final night, they were tested in some class, some discussion, how they acted, and they also had a skill performance day. Oh, now i didn't have any doubt again. hehe 

While the jury discuss about the winner, they gave us some performance which to my opinion, was great. Tonight really encourage me to learn more about my own culture, Sundanese. 

Mrs.Netty Heryawan
Mojang Jajaka Jawa Barat 2012
Lifetime Mojang Jajaka (lol)
Mojang Jajaka 2011

All representative appeared in the stage, this means that they already had a winner. Funny how the fake yet funny Mojang Jajaka appear. What i didn't was...they made fun when they choose the winner. Not everyone like to heard "You're the winner !" yet some second later heard "Oh no, not you". Its mean for me...

Mojang Jajaka 2011 & 2012
the crown

The winner is from Kabupaten Bandung Barat and Kotamadya Bandung. But i forgot the name...Sorry :( So to me, the whole show of this event was great. Really worth those long way from Sukabumi. Even though the representative from Kabupaten Sukabumi didn't win, but i believe they had a great experience.

Well, someday i'll be standing there ! *fighting emot*

Hahahaha Okay, catch you later ~

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